Spectacle : "Tout Molière... ou presque"
For children, Show
in Le Palais
From 6 years old. By the Compagnie Les Nomadesques. Three actors decide to take up an impossible challenge: put on Molière's 33 plays... in less than an hour! From "Tartuffe" to "Doctor in spite of himself", via "Les Fourberies de Scapin", "l'Avare", "Le Malade imaginaire" or even "Le Bourgeois gentilhomme", the cult moments of all the plays of the most famous French playwright follow one another under the laughter of the spectators. A coat, another hat and the characters change, transform...
From 6 years old. By the Compagnie Les Nomadesques. Three actors decide to take up an impossible challenge: put on Molière's 33 plays... in less than an hour! From "Tartuffe" to "Doctor in spite of himself", via "Les Fourberies de Scapin", "l'Avare", "Le Malade imaginaire" or even "Le Bourgeois gentilhomme", the cult moments of all the plays of the most famous French playwright follow one another under the laughter of the spectators. A coat, another hat and the characters change, transform and respond to each other throughout this unpublished story written by Vincent Caire. Crazy, funny and energetic atmosphere, for the whole family, which will allow the youngest to discover Molière while delighting the oldest.
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Adult10 €
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Other6 €