Rencontre, signature avec Blanche de Richemont
Local event, Literature
in Le Palais
"Go courage, little treatise on ardor." How to keep courage every day? To answer this question, Blanche de Richemont went to meet a hermit, a surgeon, a soldier, committed personalities, anonymous men and women. Retreating to a cabin, in the heart of winter, she wanted to tell us about the tremendous momentum, the powerful breath of this quest, by following an interior path that made her approach what courage is and this supplement of light that he can bring to us. Hang in there ! This book,...
"Go courage, little treatise on ardor." How to keep courage every day? To answer this question, Blanche de Richemont went to meet a hermit, a surgeon, a soldier, committed personalities, anonymous men and women. Retreating to a cabin, in the heart of winter, she wanted to tell us about the tremendous momentum, the powerful breath of this quest, by following an interior path that made her approach what courage is and this supplement of light that he can bring to us. Hang in there ! This book, she tells us, is not a call to arms but a call to souls. Blanche de Richemont has written several books, some inspired by her travels in the Sahara, and gives many conferences. Author notably of Éloge du désert, Le Sourire de l'aube...
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