Mobilités durables et véhicules intermédiaires : une solution pour Belle-Ile ? Démonstration de véhicules & soirée ciné - débat
Cinema, Local event, Lecture, Visit
in Le Palais
Friday, December 13: 3 p.m.: presentation of VELI'S with VAE and other local vehicles - town hall square. 8:30 p.m.: Film debate at the "petit bal perdu" public screening of the documentary film "Virage vers le futur" on alternatives to the individual car in rural areas Saturday, December 14: "Tour de Belle-île" with demo stages in the different municipalities. 10 a.m.: departure from the town center of Locmaria. 12 p.m.: stage at the church square in Sauzon. 4:30 p.m.: stage at the town...
Friday, December 13: 3 p.m.: presentation of VELI'S with VAE and other local vehicles - town hall square. 8:30 p.m.: Film debate at the "petit bal perdu" public screening of the documentary film "Virage vers le futur" on alternatives to the individual car in rural areas Saturday, December 14: "Tour de Belle-île" with demo stages in the different municipalities. 10 a.m.: departure from the town center of Locmaria. 12 p.m.: stage at the church square in Sauzon. 4:30 p.m.: stage at the town center of Bangor.
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