Fête de la Voile
Water sports
in Locmaria
for dinghies, catamarans and paddles. Lovers and practitioners of water sports, note the date of Sunday August 11 to participate in the Grands Sables regattas. The program includes: The training regatta, in two rounds, morning and afternoon. The paddle relay race, around 4:30 p.m. Two series, dinghies and multihulls, will compete in two rounds to decide. Everyone can participate, boats are made available by our partner Horizon ... but in necessarily limited numbers. Registrations are only...
for dinghies, catamarans and paddles. Lovers and practitioners of water sports, note the date of Sunday August 11 to participate in the Grands Sables regattas. The program includes: The training regatta, in two rounds, morning and afternoon. The paddle relay race, around 4:30 p.m. Two series, dinghies and multihulls, will compete in two rounds to decide. Everyone can participate, boats are made available by our partner Horizon ... but in necessarily limited numbers. Registrations are only online: https://snbi.fr
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