Balade encadrée en Stand Up Paddle
Sports and recreation, Water sports
in Locmaria
From 3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. with an appointment 1/2 hour before the start of the timetable indicated at the Stand Up Paddle school premises, car park at the Grands Sables beach. Come and discover the Bellilois coast in a different way! Each of our Stand Up Paddle outings is supervised and commented. Discovery of the heritage and fortifications of the tip of Bugul and the tip of Gros Rocher. Visits and docking on secret beaches, passages in caves, tasting of seafood (seaweed and wild oysters)...
From 3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. with an appointment 1/2 hour before the start of the timetable indicated at the Stand Up Paddle school premises, car park at the Grands Sables beach. Come and discover the Bellilois coast in a different way! Each of our Stand Up Paddle outings is supervised and commented. Discovery of the heritage and fortifications of the tip of Bugul and the tip of Gros Rocher. Visits and docking on secret beaches, passages in caves, tasting of seafood (seaweed and wild oysters) and discovery of marine fauna and flora, depending on tides and weather conditions. Information: Grégory or Etienne on 06 63 86 75 47. Reservation required.
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Other45 €