Plages - Partir à la plage, Traversées lignes régulières, saisonnières, plaisance, Océan - Profiter de l'Océan, Changer de rythme - déplacement doux, déconnexion, tranquilité, Belle île en mer, île de Bretagne, Bretagne sud, au large du Golfe du MorbihanA proximité du Palais, la plage de Bordardoué offre un spot de baignade abrité. C'est aussi un endroit propice pour observer le patrimoine local, de nombreuses fortifications entourent le site
©A proximité du Palais, la plage de Bordardoué offre un spot de baignade abrité. C'est aussi un endroit propice pour observer le patrimoine local, de nombreuses fortifications entourent le site|Philippe Dannic

The largest “breton” island

Belle-île-en-Mer owes its laudable reputation to its exceptional natural environment. And it deserves it: seascapes, high jagged cliffs and grandiose panoramas, remarkable and preserved moors and dunes, coastal or country paths conducive to romantic strolls or sporty hikes, Belle-île has a fascinating and endearing nature.

And Belle-île surprises with its size!

It is the largest island in Brittany, with its 85km2, its 4 communes, Bangor, Le Palais, Locmaria and Sauzon. Belle-île is also the most inhabited with nearly 6,000 year-round residents, the islanders.

It is also the most hilly with a relief comparable to medium mountains and 2,800 m of difference in altitude over the entire route and one of the islands furthest from the mainland with a 50-minute crossing from Quiberon.

A surprising island

The must-sees during your stay

Stopover in Belle-île

A trip that cannot be improvised!

A trip to the largest island in Brittany cannot be improvised, it must be prepared, anticipated, and matured in order to have the most beautiful experience. To help you anticipate your trip, we invite you to contact the Tourist Office who will advise you on:

The port of departure best suited to your situation, the possible activities, the means of transportation open on the date of your visit, the different accommodation solutions, the dates of hyper-frequency when it is better to postpone your stay…because if Belle-île is the largest, it does not have inexhaustible resources, in water in particular! Because choosing to live or come to the islands is also a commitment to a respectful tourism and a responsibility towards these fragile territories.

Discover here when to come to Belle-île?

Each of the 4 communes offers accommodation, restaurants, visits and cultural or leisure activities… Discover all the practical information to organize your stopover!

Belle-île-en-MerSome key figures!

5,524 Bellilois

17 km long

9 km wide

90 km of coastal trail on the GR®340 Tour de Belle-île-en-Mer

8,400 hectares

Distance from Quiberon about 15km or 50 minutes

13 hotels and 1 vacation village

3 water dams (which supply the entire water needs of the island)

Exhilarating, invigorating, lively, authentic

The 4 seasons of the island

It's spring

Blue, white, pink, spring on Belle-île

An impression of transparency, a sudden softness of the air, the polyphony of birds, the cliffs coming to life: it is spring. Suddenly, the desire is great to see again, at the end of the winter, the known places. We would like to be everywhere at once to savor this emotion, this wonder of the awakening nature of Belliloise…

It's summertime

Finally summer in Belle-île-en-Mer

From mid-June onwards, we feel the rise of an effervescence: everyone is busy. In the villages, people put the finishing touches to the organization of the shop windows, they hurry up for the final works, the markets become denser, the harbors and the creeks fill up with pleasure boats, numerous also in the harbor of Palais…

It's autumn

Fall or Indian summer in Belle-île-en-Mer

On the wild coast, as towards Port Kerlédan, at the Aiguilles de Port Coton, at Baluden, at the Pointe du Skeul, the clumps of foliage of the oval-leafed Statices take on red tones awakening the gray of the rocky plateau. Often mixed with the Statices, its umbels becoming red, the Sea Fennel also takes its autumn colors…

It's winter

Belle-Île en Hiver……jours tranquil

Some people prefer to discover it in winter. They are not wrong in wanting to appreciate the island in its true appearance, stripped of all artifice. This is the best season to share the reality of island life with serenity, taking time. The beaches, coasts and almost deserted paths form larger landscapes and are all the more impressive that, on certain days, storms come to transform them into black and white…


the largest of the Ponant islands

From the Chausey Islands Archipelago off Mont-Saint-Michel to the Isle of Aix, the southernmost of the Ponant Islands, the 15 permanently inhabited islands make up les îles du Ponant: Bréhat, Batz, Ouessant, Molène, Sein, Les Glénan, Groix, Houat, Hoëdic, Les îles du Golfe du Morbihan with l’île aux Moines and l’île d’Arz and the largest, Belle-île-en Mer.

They are privileged spaces because of their living environment but also fragile lands, sometimes rough, sometimes soft, sometimes austere, sometimes laughing, sometimes close, sometimes far away, mysterious islands, islands of treasures, they are all different, but all are islands!

These mythical and enchanting havens are all accessible in less than an hour and a half by boat, or even in a few minutes by plane. Each of their names is a promise of escape. Let yourself be tempted especially by the off-season!

In autumn, the islands are the very sweetness, when the sweetness has already left the continent. Winter gives them a great show every day: that of the sea in perpetual motion. In spring, they are covered with flowers and intoxicate you with colors and scents.

And if they fill all our senses, it is because on an island, all roads lead to the sea…

To know more about it :

The Ponant Islands have formed an association.
Association des Iles du Ponant – 17 rue du Danemark- 56 400 AURAY

02 97 56 52 57 –

The Ponant Islands: 15 islands and 15,789 inhabitants

Chausey ArchipelagoBréhat IslandBatz IslandOessant IslandMolene IslandSein IslandArchipel des GlénanIle de GroixIle de HouatIle de HoëdicIle d’ArzIle aux MoinesIle d’YeuIle d’Aix.

Belle-île-en-mer, local know-how, Ponant islands, Southern Brittany

The Association Savoir-faire des îles du Ponant gathers more than 60 island entrepreneurs present all year long. These entrepreneurs create, thanks to their know-how, sustainable jobs on their islands. They contribute to maintain a year-round life and essential services for the population.

On Belle-île-en-Mer, there are currently a dozen island professionals from all sectors of activity who are labeled “Savoir-faire des îles du Ponant”: agriculture, cookie making, soap making, arts and crafts, culture, accommodation… Go to the website of the “Savoir-faire des iles du Ponant” to discover island know-how, support our activities and jobs, and contribute to keeping the islands alive all year round!

On an island all roads lead to the sea
