In the summer of 1894, Sarah Bernhardt, the beautiful and fierce 50-year-old international star, had already traveled the world. Tired of her numerous and recent tours, she was convinced by her friend, painter Georges Clairin, with whom she was staying in Concarneau, to discover Belle-Île.
A love affair with the Pointe des Poulains!
At the close of the 19th century, Belle-Île was far from an unknown or deserted island. Quite the opposite! Renowned artists such as Maxime du Camp, Gustave Flaubert, Claude Monet, Octave Mirbeau, and John-Peter Russell had already explored its moors. The arrival of the railway in Quiberon (1882), the Union Belliloise Company ferry, and horse-drawn carriage excursions to the wild coast with its caves and breathtaking landscapes attracted an increasing number of tourists.